Traversy Media sacó un video donde habla sobre las nuevas tendencias que hay que aprender este año 2020 acerca de Desarrollo Web. Me di la tarea en organizar el video en esta guía práctica donde enlisto todas sus recomendaciones incluyendo enlaces a sus programas en YouTube y Udemy.
He estado siguiendo sus videos ya por año y sin duda la manera clara de explicar que tiene Brad Traversy me a ayudado a reforzar estos conocimientos, pero sobre todo si eres totalmente nuevo en el ámbito de desarrollo web esta sin duda puede ser una guía práctica para empezar. ¡Buena Suerte!
1. My Top 5 Free Text Editors
2. VSCode Intro & Setup
3. 15 VSCode Extensions
Basic Front-End Web Developer
4. HTML crash course for beginners
5. CSS crash course for beginners
6. CSS grid crash course
7. Flexbox in 20 minutes
8. Modern HTML & CSS from the beginning (Udemy)
Responsive Design
9. Build an HTML5 website with a responsive layout
10. Responsive landing page
11. Build a responsive mobile first website
12. Build a Netflix Clone (HTML/CSS)
Custom Reusable CSS Components
13. Social Network Theme With Sass
14. Responsive Portfolio Website Project
15. Fancy form UI from scratch
CSS Frameworks
16. Tailwind CSS Crash Course
17. Bootstrap crash course
18. Materialize crash course
19. Bulma crash course
20. Bootstrap 4 from scratch (Udemy)
21. Materialize CSS from scratch (Udemy)
Vanilla Java Script
22. JavaScript Crash Course
23. DOM Crash Course
24. JavaScript OOP
25. Async JavaScript
26. Modern JS from the beginning (Udemy)
27. 20 Vanilla JS Projects (Udemy)
Essential Dev Tools
28. Linux Command Line Basics
29. Git crash course
30. NPM crash course
31. Yarn crash course
32. Chrome Dev Tools Crash Course
33. Emmet Crash Course
34. Exploring Parcel
35. Axios Crash Course
Basic Deployment
36. Web hosting & cPanel guide
37. Deploy website in seconds with Netlify
38. Github deploy & domain
39. SSH Crash Course
Front-End Wizard
Front-End Framework
40. React crash course
41. Vue.js in 60 minutes
42. Angular in 60 minutes
43. React front to back (Udemy)
44. Angular front to back (Udemy)
45. Svelte Crash Course
State Management
46. Redux crash course
47. Vuex Crash Course
48. React & context API project
49. React front to back (Udemy)
50. MERN stack front to back (Udemy)
Server Side Rendering
51. Next Crash Course
52. Nuxt Crash Course
Static Site Generators
54. TypeScript Crash Course
55. Setup TypeScript With Express
Full Stack Dev
Server Side Language
56. Node.js Crash Course
57. Python Crash Course
58. PHP Front To Back
59. C# Project in 60 minutes
60. Go crash course
61. Rust Crash Course
62. Node.js Dev to Deployment (Udemy)
63. MVC PHP OOP (Udemy)
64. Python Django Dev to Deployment (Udemy)
Server Side Framework
65. Express crash course
66. Koa crash course
67. Adonis series
68. Django crash course
69. Flask series
70. Laravel series
71. Symfony series
72. Ruby on Rails Crash Course
73. Node.js API Masterclass (Udemy)
74. Python Django Dev To Deployment (Udemy)
75. MySQL Crash Course
76. MongoDB CrashCourse
77. Redis crash course
78. Intro to NoSQL
79. RethinkDB Crash Course
80. Build a GraphQL Server
81. App with React, Apollo & GraphQL
82. WordPress Site in 1 Hour
83. WordPRess REST API
84. Keystone Crash Course
Deployment & Devops
85. SSH Crash Course
86. Node.js Deployment With NGINX
87. Getting started with Docker
88. Vagrant crash course
89. Jest testing
Progressive Web Apps
90. Intro to Service Workers
91. PWA With Vue.js
Desktop Apps with Electron
92. Intro to Electron
93. Build an Electron App
Serverless Architecture
94. Lambda Functions With Netlify
API-First Design
95. What is a REST API
96. Node.js API Masterclass (Udemy)
Machine Learning / AI & The Web
97. Machine Learning In JavaScript With Brain.js